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Biting Insects And Pests

Common Biting Insects and Pests


Mosquitos are small flying insects known for their itchy bites. They are attracted to human and animal blood and can transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. To prevent mosquito bites, it is important to eliminate standing water and use mosquito repellents.


Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that infest pets and homes. Their bites can cause itching and discomfort, and they can transmit diseases such as typhus and tapeworms. Regular pet grooming, vacuuming, and flea treatments are essential for flea prevention and control.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that infest beds and furniture. Their bites can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. To prevent bed bug infestations, it is important to regularly inspect and clean bedding, furniture, and luggage.


Ticks are arachnids that attach themselves to the skin of animals and humans. They can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. To prevent tick bites, it is important to wear protective clothing and use tick repellents when in tick-prone areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I identify if I have been bitten by a mosquito?

Mosquito bites usually appear as small, itchy bumps on the skin. They may also cause redness and swelling. If you experience these symptoms after being outdoors, it is likely that you have been bitten by a mosquito.

What diseases can be transmitted by fleas?

Fleas can transmit diseases such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, and cat scratch disease. Symptoms may include fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. If you suspect flea-borne diseases, seek medical attention.

How can I prevent bed bug infestations?

To prevent bed bug infestations, regularly inspect your bedding and furniture for signs of bed bugs, such as dark spots or shed skins. Wash bedding in hot water, vacuum regularly, and use mattress encasements. If you suspect an infestation, contact a professional pest control service.

Are tick bites dangerous?

Tick bites can be dangerous as ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis. It is important to remove ticks promptly and monitor for symptoms such as fever, rash, or muscle aches. Consult a healthcare professional if you develop any symptoms.

How can I protect myself from mosquito bites?

To protect yourself from mosquito bites, use insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin, wear long sleeves and pants, and avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito activity. Installing screens on windows and doors can also help keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Can fleas infest my pets?

Yes, fleas can infest pets such as dogs and cats. Regular grooming, including flea baths and using flea prevention products, is crucial for keeping your pets flea-free. Consult your veterinarian for the best flea control options for your pets.

What should I do if I find a tick on my body?

If you find a tick on your body, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Clean the bite area with soap and water, and monitor for any signs of illness. If you develop symptoms, seek medical attention.


Biting insects and pests can pose health risks and cause discomfort. It is important to take preventive measures to minimize the chances of bites and infestations. If you are facing persistent issues with biting insects and pests, consider seeking professional help to ensure a pest-free environment for you and your family. Call Us Today! 732-504-3758

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1761 Lakewood Rd Toms River, NJ 08755
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